实战解决域名/主机商转出域名索要费用问题② - Whois域名所有权信息变更


Thank you for submitting a Transfer complaint concerning the domain name laobuluo.com. ICANN has reviewed and closed your complaint because:
- You are not currently listed as the Registered Name Holder or the Administrative Contact (the 'Transfer Contacts') in the Whois information for the domain name that you are complaining about. Registrars can only process transfer requests when they are submitted by either of the Transfer Contacts. If you are acting as an agent for either of them, please submit a new ticket and provide the appropriate evidence.
ICANN considers this matter now closed.  If you require future assistance, please submit a new complaint to ICANN at http://www.icann.org/resources/compliance/complaints .










隐私和代理服务目前不属于《注册服务商委任协议》(RAA) 的范畴。要确定隐私或代理服务背后的域名涉及人员,请参阅服务提供商的服务条款。如果您的投诉涉及到法律法规,那么您可能要将问题反映到您所在辖区的适当执法机构或咨询法律意见。




Thank you for your recent message to our billing department.
We apologize for the slight delay in response, our billing hours throughout the week: 09.00 am - 01.00 am GMT/04.00 am - 08.00 pm EST/EDT
The domain name 'laobuluo.com' is included into your hosting plan. This means that it was registered at WebHostingBuzz expense and belongs to us.
If you wish to have your personal details showed in the Whois, you need to take the domain under your full control. This costs $12 (one-time).
Please confirm if we should issue the invoice.



- ICANN does not have contractual authority to address any customer-service related matters that fall outside of the Registrar Accreditation Agreement (RAA) e.g. over billing, multiple billing or the amounts charged as transfer fees. Complaints about a registrar's performance that cannot be resolved with a registrar may be addressed by private-sector agencies involved in addressing customer complaints (i.e. The Better Business Bureau at http://www.bbb.org/; The International Consumer Protection and Enforcement Network http://www.icpen.org/). If you believe your complaint concerns an illegal matter, please contact the appropriate law enforcement agency (which will vary depending on jurisdiction) or you may consult an attorney for legal advice.
- Your complaint is about a known privacy/proxy protection service and the Whois output is compliant without additional information demonstrating why the Whois data is inaccurate.
ICANN considers this matter now closed. If you have reason to believe that your complaint should not be closed, please forward this e-mail along with any other relevant information to ICANN Contractual Compliance at compliance@icann.org . ICANN will review your submission and, if appropriate, forward it to the registrar to ensure compliance.



本文出处:老蒋部落 » 实战解决域名/主机商转出域名索要费用问题② - Whois域名所有权信息变更 | 欢迎分享( 公众号:老蒋朋友圈 )

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